Tea at Wisteria House with Nabila
5.1 labour day.
Guo-chin, Fumi, Violette and I greeted Nabila, Guo-chin's boss at his cosmology lab in Paris, who for the first time visited Taiwan. We gathered in the dusk (because Guo-chin is not a "labor" and therefore had to work that day) and went to a Japanese restaurant in Yangming Mountain called "Cherry Blossom" (山櫻坊).
As expected, it's an ideal place for us as it provides mainly cooked seafood--Nabila doesn't eat red meat and Fumi doesn't eat raw fish. Both quality and quantity (we five shared four sets) proved right. And the price was also friendly. So it turned out to be a very delightful dinner.
And then we drove around Chinese Culture University to take an aerial view of the night Taipei. We were very lucky; the air was crystal clear after it rained for almost three consecutive weeks and thus the nightview was simply awesome. I took two pictures there.
Then we came back to downtown and had tea at Wisteria House. I surprised everybody by saying it's my first time there while I basically grew up in that area. Anyway, it's a fun experience; the house itself is a historical place with quite a few political stories, and the tea making is interesting to everybody in particular, i guess, to Nabila, who is a Nigeria-born French.
The saleslady demonstrated how to make tea...
Then Guo-chin tried...
He did a good job!
Nabila and Fumi then also tried...
Then we took group photos.
It was just a great night!
(And I'm such an awful story teller... @_@)
#6 and #10 特別讚!
聽說本週末颱風來襲,Hank 與 Sabrina 又爬不成山了,我們就買雜誌去紫藤蘆坐坐吧!
最後一張感覺相當"立體" -->我用的形容詞總是一聽就是外行的...
那天真的很順利, 餐點好吃、夜景美、泡茶聊天也相當融洽開心!
第一張夜景確實很crystal clear !
茶壺特寫那張我特別喜歡...不是因為國欽是背景啦 >_<
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